I had the priviledge of stalking Chelsea Clinton on Tuesday. Since I am part of the Hillary for President campaign, they sent me an email with all the details of her visit. I utilized my lunch hour by taking a trip up to the U to see her.
She is very pretty in person. Even the undecided guy next to me made a comment on her looks. She opened with stating that it was her first time doing something like this on a stage and she was pretty nervous.
After giving a 3 minute testimony as to why we should vote for her mom, she opened the floor to questions. Many of the diverse audience members we students from the University of Utah that seemed to be undecided between Hillary, and her competitor Barack Obama. A lot of the questions were geared toward what would distinguish Chelsea's mom from the young Senator of Illinois.
The former first daughter gave very indepth and sincere answers to the questions relating to the war in Iraq, Healthcare, Immigration, Education, and the Economy.
One thing that stuck out to me was when she was talking about education. Hillary wants to start an early education program to help kick start our kids before they start kindergarden, and offer classes to educate parents,because she believes that education starts in the home. Chelsea mentioned that her mom used to read to her a lot as a child, and her dad doing multiplication flash cards with her. After hearing that, I started thinking about how busy her parents must have been. Her father was governer of Arkansas, and the President of the United States for 8 years while she was growing up, and still made time for his daughter. Her mother has been involved in everything from the Childrens Defense Fund, to Leading the American Bar Association's Commission on Women in the Profession. That shows a lot about a persons character to be a great mother, and a great politician.
After the Town Hall style meeting was concluded, I got the chance to tell Chelsea that "I am your mom's bigest fan!" She looked at me, thanked me, and smiled. I then got a picture with her!! It is a horrible picture of me, and the glare is an eye sore, but here it is!
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