I am having a bad day. No sense in keeping it from everyone... so I will whine some more on my blog...
1- The roads are bad and we might have to cancel our Denver trip
1- The roads are bad and we might have to cancel our Denver trip

2- I spilled Brussel Sprouts in a butter sauce all over myself and the floor in my cubicle, so I will now be reminded of my clumsiness by the stench for weeks. Also, my immitation Ugg boots are now soaked from being cleaned, so I am shoeless.

3- The website for CNN video streaming is not working so I cannot watch the "Wife Poisening Trial" I have been eyeing for weeks.

4- I have not been able to sleep the past week and it is catching up to me.

5- Hillary is on the verge of losing the Democratic Nom. (WHAT COULD BE WORSE!?)

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