I woke up Saturday morning and put on my running shorts, Nike's, and a zip up sweater because I wanted and needed to run before I started my weekend. After a failed attempt to run my dogs, (trot, sniff, squat, sprint, stop... you get the picture) I decided to hit the trail alone.
The sidewalks were still smothered in a inch or two of snow, but I figured, "This must be Denver's equivalent to running in sand!" It was a bit of a struggle at first but I did quite well balancing myself with each stride. As I was pushing along that chilly winter morning, I started to think about the many reasons I could have given to not exercise that morning. A year ago, I would have woken up, laid on the couch and focused my entire day around what to eat next. I never would have thought I'd be running in snow in the middle of December.
It just got me thinking about how far I've come. I still have a ways to go, but my mentality has changed about exercise and taking care of myself, and that is the most important thing right now.
If I could just only change my mentality about eating sweets!
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