Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I'm back....

Things feel weird now that I am back. Although things seems to be just as I left them, there is this stomach churning feeling that things aren't right. Maybe I just need some time to adjust. (I hope)

I am going to give a synopsis of the happenings since my return.

My dad was toilet papered! The neighbor lady came over and told us that it was floating into her yard and wanted us to take it down. So at 9 am on Saturday morning, before we could even unload the moving truck, we spent a good hour and a half taking down all the TP. Good thing Chris is tall, and a great tree climber! (Pictures to come...)

The room that Chris and I moved into was only half painted. Since we are both obsessive compulsive, we could not stand to stare at a wall that was half tan, half white. So we drove to Ace hardware and picked up a bucket of paint.

We finally finished the room and were able to move all of our stuff in. We have been unpacking ever since. I swear, we filled up the entire upstairs with our possessions. I think we need to have another yard sale this summer!

Our dogs still seem to be confused, but are already warming up to my dad, which is nice. Bear is trying to bully the dog that is 10 times his size next door. Typical Bear. I think Sampson misses my sister Tori. He follows me around the house everywhere. He hasn't done that since he was a puppy! I feel so bad for him!

I will have to keep everyone updated on how things go... hopefully this uneasy feeling will go away soon. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Kellie said...

awe..sad you moved! jk. i hope everything goes well!